Amann Girrbach presents innovations at the LMT LAB DAY Chicago 2023.
"Connect to the (Work-)Flow" – with this motto Amann Girrbach summarizes the essence of the company's strategy in its LMT LAB DAY Chicago campaign: to connect treatment pro-cesses in dental laboratories and dental practices intelligently, simply and end-to-end in a per-fect dental workflow. Visitors will be given the opportunity to experience this live at the LMT LAB DAY in Chicago. The complete digital workflow as well as individual product highlights and innovations will be made tangible on site. All the latest information on the contents and the exhibition itself can be found regularly on the campaign homepage and in the LMT LAB DAY Newsletter created specifically for this purpose.
At the dental industry's leading laboratory event in the US, which will be held in Chicago from February 23 to 25, 2023, Amann Girrbach will be showcasing an optimized and integrated end-to-end process chain for dental restorations on its booth in the Grand Ballroom CD South, East Tower, Gold Level. "As 'THE open workflow company' in the dental industry, Amann Girrbach will introduce visitors to digi-tal workflows spanning the entire work process. Our objective is to holistically connect dental laborato-ries and dental practices for the benefit of patients: the reason being, that in a perfect dental (work) flow, everything is smart, simple and seamlessly interwoven to allow users to concentrate fully on their work. To combine analog and digital steps, products and services in a safe and open system, to ulti-mately make everyone's daily work easier through high reproducibility of work and to create better pa-tient care," explains Wolfgang Reim, CEO of Amann Girrbach, in terms of the company's specific goals. At the newly designed booth, new digital standards in dental technology will be showcased and demonstrated live on site. Room for an exchange with colleagues and product experts is also fore-seen.
Under the umbrella of the motto 'Connect to the (Work-)Flow', Amann Girrbach would like to offer an invitation to become part of a movement that connects and benefits collectively from digital achieve-ments. "We are familiar with dental practice and all its hurdles and see our task not only in providing excellent products, but also in optimizing the entire workflow right through to numerous service offer-ings," emphasizes Reim. With innovations such as the workflow management platform AG.Live and the interdisciplinary Ceramill DRS (Direct Restoration Solution) system, the company is consistent in pursuing this objective. "We enable users in dental practices and laboratories to do something that a single product alone cannot achieve: we deliver an open overall system with established analog and innovative digital products that ensures significant time and cost savings," says Wolfgang Reim. All with the aim of already making dentistry of tomorrow better today. For dental laboratories, dental prac-tices and the patients.
Up-to-date information and registration for the Newsletter All information and contents of the trade fair presentation at the LMT LAB DAY in Chicago are availa-ble to interested parties in the LMT LAB DAY Newsletter from Amann Girrbach, registrations under
Amann Girrbach at the LMT LAB DAY Chicago:
Hyatt Regency Chicago
Grand Ballroom CD South, East Tower, Gold Level