Delara® Denture Teeth Balance Esthetics, Function, and Value
The Delara tooth line has an excellent cost-benefit ratio. At the same time, Delara meets all the laboratory's requirements thanks to the wide shade range, the anatomical shapes, and the natural look. The ease of setup is phenomenal, especially of the posterior teeth, which, in addition to having a universal cusp angle of 20°, are made using CAD/CAM technology. This allows for interlocking of the cusps, freedom in the setup without the need for excessive adjustments or modification of the basic shape, and clear esthetics and surface characteristics when polished.
Kulzer | 800-343-5336v
} Delara denture teeth look extremely lifelike
} Easy setup, especially of the posterior teeth
} Perfect mid-class option
Read why Josef Kolbeck, CDT, chooses Delara denture teeth from Kulzer at