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Ivoclar Vivadent’s IPS e.max CAD lithium disilicate (LS2) ceramic blocks now feature five Impulse shades, three Value and two Opal shades.
Ivoclar Vivadent® Inc.
The Planmeca Emerald™, an ultra-lightweight intraoral scanner, delivers flawless accuracy and detail at lightning speed. Its ergonomic design and two-button operation provide superior control and unparalleled patient comfort.
Planmeca USA Inc.
AvaDent™ Digital Dentures were developed to bring the precision, aesthetics, speed, and profitability of CAD/CAM technology.
Global Dental Science, LLC
Inclusive® CAD/CAM Implant Bars and Frameworks are designed and milled using state-of-the-art CAD/CAM manufacturing processes that provide a high degree of precision, strength, and consistency.
Glidewell Laboratories
CeraMaster is designed to finish, polish and super-polish porcelains and enamel. A carefully balanced blend of diamond particles produces the smoothest finish and most glaze-like surfaces.
GC America's GC Initial LiSi is a member of the popular ceramic line of Initial, created for lithium disilicate frameworks with it’s specialized veneering ceramic design.
GC America Inc
Zahn's KATANA™ Zirconia ML Discs are the first gradational multi-layered, high-performance zirconia blanks in the dental industry and are available in C Light, D Light, and A White shades.
Zahn Dental
Whip Mix's Preference Soft Denture Liner brings comfort back to dentures, this lab processed soft denture liner is incredibly soft, amazingly strong, and super easy to use.
Whip Mix®
The Pro Series Furnaces are affordable yet intelligently designed with cutting edge technology. They all feature advanced cycles for e.max, Captek, sintered alloys, and advanced porcelain products.
Straumann® CARES® 3 and 7 series scanners capture clinical data in consistent, repeatable, high-precision scans.
Sterngold's TRU implant system is designed to be simple to use, while also providing predictable clinical results.
Sterngold Dental, LLC
The VITA VACUMAT® 6000 M is a fully automatic, microprocessor-controlled firing unit that is ideal for all dental ceramic firing requirements.
VITA North America
DENTSPLY is pleased to offer the new CELTRA® DUO (ZLS) high-strength glass ceramic milling block.
Dentsply Sirona
The Programat® S1 1600 offers maximum workflow capacity and flexibility, now with almost double capacity. Sinter a full tray of esthetic zirconia in just 2.5 hours, single units in 75 minutes.
The VITA ZYRCOMAT® 6000 MS is a premium, compact, and efficient high-speed sintering furnace designed especially for high-temperature sintering firings and all ceramic dental framework materials.
Straumann® CARES® SRBB are available in multiple materials for abutment-level, implant-level, or combination platform designs, with 10 years’ coverage under The Straumann Guarantee®.
The 3Shape TRIOS portfolio of intraoral scanners allows you to “go beyond” on your digital journey with best-in-class scanning technology, an unrivalled open system, in-house production, and preventive care possibilities.
3Shape Inc.
Zirlux Anterior Multi is a multilayered Zirconia with fully gradient shading that matches the incisal, dentin, and gingiva of dentition—making it suitable for anterior restorations.
The new IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime, a high-strength, highly esthetic oxide ceramic material, faithfully reproduces the seamless progression of natural dentition.
Programat® porcelain furnaces set the standard for quality and innovation in dental furnaces. Patented infrared technology instantly takes porcelain firing results from good to great.
The Ceramill Therm S accelerates the sintering of single units and bridges up to six pontics with its 2-hour speed program. It also offers more versatility through its Autodry® and glaze firing mode.
Amann Girrbach America, Inc.
The Whip Mix SinterPro Furnace features 30 programs and four stages for sintering optimization. It is versatile and easy to program. Its shallow and deep trays can be used in any combination.
Fully integrated into the Ceramill system, the NextDent 5100 for Ceramill provides an intuitive high-speed 3D printing solution for laboratories with time-saving technology.
Carbon offers reliable end-to-end dental laboratory solutions with its pioneering Digital Light Synthesis™ technology and M-Series 3D printers, which feature fast printing and high accuracy (often ±50 μm).
Built on Low Force Stereolithography (LFS)™ technology, the Formlabs Form 3 brings the power of 3D printing to dental professionals, producing high-quality biocompatible dental appliances with fine-feature accuracy.
Harnessing precision optics and mechanics, JUELL 3D-3 surpasses its competition in speed, precision, and price. JUELL 3D-3 is the emerging standard for fabricating dentures in house.
Park Dental Research
Planmeca Creo C5 is indicated for high-speed printing of surgical guides, models, and aligner bases. Planmeca Creo C5 needs no calibration and prints models and guides in less than 15 minutes.
The AccuFab-D1 features high details, outstanding efficiency, a wide range of applications, and intuitive operation, which makes it the ideal printer solution for dental customers wishing to go digital.
Shining 3D®
New Straumann® CARES® P series 3D Printers redefine surgical efficiency by producing surgical guides, dental implant models, and gingiva guides with top quality precision and speed.
The Heron high-value intraoral scanner, characterized by its exclusive ergonomic design and light weight, boasts the most sought-after features for restorative dentistry, supporting the entire workflow for dental impressions.
3DISC Imaging
The iTero Element® 2 intraoral scanner streamlines comprehensive laboratory workflows, facilitates custom-milled models, offers open STL export, and provides chairside milling partner connectivity.
Align Technology, Inc.
Primescan’s patent-pending impression technology enables high-precision digital impressions to be taken of the entire jaw. It was designed for various digital workflows—chairside with a dentist, with CEREC, or with external partners.
Designed with quality in mind, the Medit i500 was created to add value to your business, exemplifying three qualities—value, efficiency, and productivity—to easily incorporate it into your workflow.
Aoralscan simplifies the intraoral scanning experience, enabling dentists and technicians alike to easily obtain digital impressions.
The KaVo LS 3 desktop scanner starts the digital journey with speed, color, and precision. Designed to enhance efficiency, it seamlessly connects to DTX Studio™ Lab for fast restoration planning.
Nobel Biocare USA, LLC
Proven as the most capable mill in its class with the strongest spindle.
Axsys Dental Solutions
The T710 comes with four 5.0-MP resolution cameras and delivers full-arch scans with no blind spots and 4-μm accuracy in 8 seconds. The open system and customizable workflow ensure easy integration.
With an open design and modular structure, the AutoScan-DS-MIX dental 3D scanner features fine detail, high accuracy, and high efficiency.
The Straumann® CARES® M series (wet/dry) and D series (dry) mills enable laboratories to produce inlays, onlays, veneers, crowns, bridges, and screw-retained restorations with precision from a a variety of materials.
The R5 is vhf's highly automated, top-of-the-line model that guarantees the ultimate user experience. It offers great flexibility with automated switching between wet and dry processing of up to 10 disks.
Vol 16
No 2
March 2025