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The Pro Series Furnaces are affordable yet intelligently designed with cutting edge technology. They all feature advanced cycles for e.max, Captek, sintered alloys, and advanced porcelain products.
Whip Mix®
The VITA VACUMAT® 6000 M is a fully automatic, microprocessor-controlled firing unit that is ideal for all dental ceramic firing requirements.
VITA North America
The Programat® S1 1600 offers maximum workflow capacity and flexibility, now with almost double capacity. Sinter a full tray of esthetic zirconia in just 2.5 hours, single units in 75 minutes.
Ivoclar Vivadent® Inc.
The VITA ZYRCOMAT® 6000 MS is a premium, compact, and efficient high-speed sintering furnace designed especially for high-temperature sintering firings and all ceramic dental framework materials.
Programat® porcelain furnaces set the standard for quality and innovation in dental furnaces. Patented infrared technology instantly takes porcelain firing results from good to great.
The Ceramill Therm S accelerates the sintering of single units and bridges up to six pontics with its 2-hour speed program. It also offers more versatility through its Autodry® and glaze firing mode.
Amann Girrbach America, Inc.
The Whip Mix SinterPro Furnace features 30 programs and four stages for sintering optimization. It is versatile and easy to program. Its shallow and deep trays can be used in any combination.
Vol 16
No 2
March 2025