All 3D Printing | Laser Sintering Products
Fully integrated into the Ceramill system, the NextDent 5100 for Ceramill provides an intuitive high-speed 3D printing solution for laboratories with time-saving technology.
Amann Girrbach America, Inc.
Carbon offers reliable end-to-end dental laboratory solutions with its pioneering Digital Light Synthesis™ technology and M-Series 3D printers, which feature fast printing and high accuracy (often ±50 μm).
Built on Low Force Stereolithography (LFS)™ technology, the Formlabs Form 3 brings the power of 3D printing to dental professionals, producing high-quality biocompatible dental appliances with fine-feature accuracy.
Harnessing precision optics and mechanics, JUELL 3D-3 surpasses its competition in speed, precision, and price. JUELL 3D-3 is the emerging standard for fabricating dentures in house.
Park Dental Research
Planmeca Creo C5 is indicated for high-speed printing of surgical guides, models, and aligner bases. Planmeca Creo C5 needs no calibration and prints models and guides in less than 15 minutes.
Planmeca USA Inc.
The AccuFab-D1 features high details, outstanding efficiency, a wide range of applications, and intuitive operation, which makes it the ideal printer solution for dental customers wishing to go digital.
Shining 3D®
New Straumann® CARES® P series 3D Printers redefine surgical efficiency by producing surgical guides, dental implant models, and gingiva guides with top quality precision and speed.
Vol 16
No 2
March 2025